The gentleman we first met at reception was a bit short and uninterested - not sure if he was a manager or something, but didn't feel particularly welcomed when he got a waiter to show us up to the room.
Lovely room, nice view over front of hotel. Nice beds and good decor.
Bathroom; hand held shower in bath with no shower curtain - bit tricky trying not to get the floor soaked.
Not sure if it's a terribly British thing to expect, but no tea/coffee making facilities in room, and our hand soap was removed by cleaners during the day with no replacement - bit odd.
Den Engel has the makings of a good hotel but not quite there yet, I saw another review where they described it as a restaurant that happens to have a couple of rooms which I feel is quite apt.
However, perfect location in the centre of the town, bus stop right outside, and tucked just next to one of the town's famous borders!