It was a quiet hotel. The room was mostly clean, although some dirt was in the corners under the sink. However, I wasn't going under there to see what it was.
We stayed there because the first room we booked in town had a sporadic shuttle schedule, so I canceled because we had a tight schedule. So when I called Country Inn and verified they had a shuttle from 4 am to midnight, I booked it! The Saturday morning & night and Sunday morning shuttle drivers were awesome. Then we got stranded with no shuttle on Sunday night when we called at 8 pm for the ride. Thankfully, Uber is now a thing, so we caught a $20 ride to the hotel. This was not a positive experience; we were two ladies traveling from a small town, and transportation was a huge deal for us, especially at night. To add salt to the wound, when we did get back to the hotel, the sign on the counter saying they had a shuttle until midnight was still up!