6/10 – Acceptable
Macjorkal, new dork city
19 oct. 2016
Good for sleeping
It is good for sleeping or eating, but not for business. The Internet was so slow on the 3rd floor and the internet was slow inthe lobby too... There is no business room for guests, the business room was full of employees and was not for guests to use..... The room was quiet. the room smelled bad, musty....... the computer in room was too slow and the wifi in the hotel was slow too, I stayed here 2 times, the first time i stayed in room 209 on 2nd floor, 2nd floor room as moderate internet speeed, but the room on the 3rd floor the wifi andinternet on computer in the room's internet speed were too slow. One worker there said she worked in the fitness center in the hotel but i couldnt find the fitness center... Andthe restaurant there the menu seemed only chinese food... Few things are in english,,, but it is a good, cheap place to stay /sleep, but for business or skype on computer, the wifi/internet ws too slow.