Reserved 2 rooms (same reservation) for 1 night.
Upon our check-in, manager said that a couple of weeks before, he cancelled one of our rooms through Expedia as he only has their contact info. We never heard of a cancellation. The manager called Expedia right the way. We also called right the way. We were only able to get one agent at who confirmed that our reservation was still as intended and no cancellation had ever been registered. However, we trusted the manager and his calls with Expedia. The manager was kind, apologetic and understanding. He offered a roll-up bed and other bedding to accommodate us into one room only. In the end, because of the discussion with, the manager gave us two rooms as intended and decided to deal with the situation with the next customer.
One other troubling situation was the payment. There was a random lady's name and credit card affiliated to our name and address, i.e. whose payment was made to one of our rooms. We verified that the credit card was not one of ours, and so we made the payment for our two rooms, but that lady's name and payment was not allocated for her room. Maybe not be tech-savvy but it was still worrisome.
Finally, it is a Motel in the middle of nowhere border of OK and AR. Drunk motorcyclist couple argued & yelled into the night (sexual abuse/domestic violence). I called 911, who did nothing.
Blood splatter on ceiling of room 116.
Beds & linens were comfortable and clean though.