East Vail is a distance from the center of Vail where all the restaurants are. The resort's own restaurant serves a typical country club menu, and their service is great, but totally unexpected was the amazing quality of the food. We are still talking about it several days later.
The unit assigned to us was very clean, and had a fully equipped kitchen; the bathroom had a shower but no tub. The patio fronting the creek was nice, although what could be sounds of nature were obscured by the "curse of Vail": I-70. But once inside the condo, we couldn't hear anything of it (and not from the neighboring units, either, which were occupied as well).
That said, the value of lodging at the Vail Racquet Club can't be beat: amenities include outdoor and indoor hot tubs, the pool, tennis courts, the restaurant with full bar, free parking, and free Vail bus service, even late into the night.
We would definitely stay there again in the summer. In the winter, we would prefer to be closer to the slopes.