WARNING: Do NOT drive here with a car unless you have a permission from the city! The location is INSIDE a "Zona Traffico Limitado". If you enter with a vehicle without permission, you may have to pay a three-digit-fine.
The hotel is listed with "parking available". So, we assumed parking was available and drove here by car.
As stupid tourists, we had no idea about the ZTL and after a long drive, we most probably entered the restricted area by driving to this hotel. We're currently waiting if we receive a fine or not.
Anyway: The hotel should not have listed themselves as "parking available", which is by the way not at all the case. It's impossible to park here unless you have made a reservation in a completely separate garage.
There was no information about the parking upfront, no warning, no guideline, no nothing.
So, we were driving around for two hours and parked a good 20 minute walk away. Great, what a failure.
But that wasn't all:
The reception was NOT available even though it was listed as available. We arrived at closed doors. A "random" guy let me in after no one answered the door bell, and in hard-to-understand english explained that I can take an envelope with a key and go to the room. No ID asked, no checkin procedure.
Next morning, we were supposed to checkin. The lady seemed rather uninterested.
At the morning of the leave, we received the info that the reception was closed the day before at 5pm. What a failure.
Top 3 WORST hotels I've ever had.