Ready for the country life?... After a hike on the Appalachian Trail, a float down the Shenandoah River, or just a lazy day around the house, kick off your shoes and enjoy the beautiful view with some sweet tea on the porch, or a soak in the clawfoot tub. Dine downtown on Main St., or cook from your garden to table at home (in season), and then enjoy s'mores at the firepit, under the stars. Don't forget the Caverns, the shops in Luray, and of course, watch Tipper & Russell, Pansy &Petunia (our pekin ducks) swim & preen themselves in the small pond…it's all here, waiting for you. At the Farmhouse, you'll feel like a local.
See you soon!
P.S.(Ducks and bunnies are fed in the a.m. and put to bed before dark, but we won’t disturb you, unless you want to help out.😊)
To see the 3 year RESTORATION:
Facebook: Farmhouse at the Grove
Instagram: @Farmhouseatthegrove