Tucked away in downtown Tijuana on a very busy street teaming with pedestrians, music pouring out of the many nightclubs and bars, craftsmen selling their wares from small storefronts and a seemingly endless variety of wonderful eateries is one of Tijuana's best kept secrets when it comes to affordable lodging. Surrounded by newer, flashy and definitely more expensive options Hotel Revolution could easily be overlooked for it's simple simplicity, which would be a definite shame for any seasoned traveler. Although not perhaps as showy or modern as it's overpriced neighboring hotels, it harkens you back to a quieter, more traditional time in the city's history where emphasis was still placed on great hospitality, simple and careful attention to detail, a respect for privacy and an assurance of a safe, quiet nights rest. Traditional quilted bedspreads and the wonderful strong black coffee that percolates 24-7 in the lobby are only outdone by the room with a sizable jacuzzi in it, a steal at less than 60 USD per night. This is the kind of establishment that upon returning home from one's travels will linger in the back of your memory as a definite reason to return for future visits.