Our guide will pick up you at your hotel, and then you'll be drived to that small village called “Fonte Lima”.
Once you're there you'll be welcomed by a group of womens that will allow you to experience the 5 steps of the manufacture of pottery pieces starting for clay extraction, clay treatment and mixing, modelling and then decoration.
Remind: Its impossible to have your pieces on the same day.
Pottery in Fonte Lima is characterised as an activity developed
in parallel with domestic and farming activities.
carried out only by women, similar to domestic work.
domestic work. This has given the women of Fonte Lima an important role
in the community's family economy.
It is a seasonal activity, practised during the dry season, between the months of November and July.
months of November and July, since during the rainy season the women
during the rainy season, women are involved in growing corn and beans.