For the AWESOME location, the price of our room was fantastic and surprisingly inexpensive, despite the huge Beer & Bluesaplooza fest going on down the street (we attended Saturday).
Please take the negative reviews with a grain of salt (or however that idiom goes). It's not a luxury hotel. It's a motel. The room in which we stayed was clean and comfortable: No bedbugs, a refrigerator that keeps food & drink cold, working plumbing & AC, etc. Sure, it's not perfect. Maybe it needs some paint touchups on the baseboards, a less rusty shower curtain rod, a more secure backup door lock (it's a chain)... but everything one needs is provided and it all works just fine.
It's located in a very walkable neighborhood with good food nearby. Absolutely NO COMPLAINTS! We plan to return in the winter for snowshoeing and biking, and will stay at the Ventura Grand Inn again!